Set Them Free Off Road 2019 will be held on June 26-28th in beautiful Salida, Colorado at the Chaffee County Fairgrounds. All meals are complimentary. We want you to come and enjoy without the logistics of meal planning or budgeting. Better yet, the cost of tickets is staying the same!
Thursday, June 25th
2:00p Camp Grounds Open
Friday, June 26th
1:00p Registration & Vendor Village opens up. All of our fantastic vendors open up their products and services to you our event participants.
6:00p Band first set begins
7:00p Catered dinner courtesy of Set Them Free
8:00p Door prizes
9:00p Band begins their set
Saturday, June 27th
7:00a Breakfast is served courtesy of Set Them Free
9:00a Vehicle group staging for trail departures. Some trails will depart sooner than others.
9:15a Depart for trails
4:00p Return to base camp and Vendor Village opens
6:00p Band first set opens
7:00p Catered dinner courtesy of Set Them Free
7:30p Door prizes and raffle grand prize drawing
Sunday, June 28th
7:00a Breakfast is served courtesy of Set Them Free
9:00a Vehicle group staging for trail departures. Some will depart sooner than others.
9:15a Depart for trails
3:00p Return to base camp
Monday, June 29th
10:00a All participants need to have exited the fairgrounds and cleaned their area.